22 Aug 2019
Considerate Constructors
Robertson Homes and Robertson Group colleagues visited Muirtown Primary School in Inverness to talk construction and site safety. Judging by the comments in their letter below, it sounds like we got the next generation of colleagues signed up. Thanks kids, you really were fab.
Dear Jade, Chris and Gary,
Thank you for coming into our class on the 19th January, we really appreciate it. We have learned so much from you guys. Now, thanks to you, I think we have people who really want to work for you. We also want to say a massive thank you for our foam bricks and snapper bands. We all love them.
Here are some quotes for you:
Aidan said - 'They were very patient and kind with us'.
Amy said - 'I really like their positive attitude toward our ideas'.
Rachel said - 'Robertsons are great and we learned so much from them.'
Cameron said - 'I really liked that we found out so much and that they only build one house a day because it's safer.'
Elise said - 'It was very informative and I would now consider a job in architecture.'
Mrs Meldrum said - 'I was delighted that Robertson could visit us, the three adults were great with all the pupils and really informative. We all loved the building activity.'
Thank you so much for coming in and we hope to see you again soon. We are so happy that you came. And from everyone - THANK YOU!
Yours sincerely,
Primary 7