15 Nov 2021
Robertson Homes is asking visitors to its show homes across Scotland to leave messages of support for a Stirling child with a rare illness.
Two-year-old Mylo Scougill has a genetic condition called UNC 80 Hypotonia. Only around 19 people worldwide have the condition which severely affects their muscles, speech, and general growth and development. Most individuals do not learn to walk.
Mylo’s parents, David and Cara, are now raising funds to build an extension to their home so he can have a bedroom downstairs with all the assistive technology he needs to make his life easier.
Stirling-headquartered Robertson Homes has donated £1,000 towards the fundraiser and to help raise awareness of the campaign has left Message for Mylo books in all of its show homes.
Sharon Spinelli, sales and marketing director for Robertson Homes, said: “Robertson Homes understands just how important it is for children to have a bedroom of their own they can be proud of; a space in which to play, laugh and feel safe and that’s one reason why we’re supporting Mylo’s fundraiser.
“As well as financial help, knowing other people are aware of Mylo and wishing him well means the world to his family.
“This is why we have opened special ‘Message for Mylo’ books in all our show homes so our visitors can send their own best wishes and words of encouragement in the books which will be given to Mylo’s family.
“Despite his many difficulties, Mylo is the sweetest, most loving little boy and brightens up everyone’s day. We are helping raise awareness of his condition, in the hope his family can reach their target more quickly.”
Cara and David need £40,000 in order to build an extension to their home for his new room.
Cara Scougill said: “Having the extension completed for Mylo would benefit him in so many ways. This would allow him to have the best possible life and independence that any child should have and hopefully when he learns to crawl he will be able to go to his bedroom without waiting for one of us to take him up.
“Thank you to Robertson Homes for their donation and for helping us raise awareness of our fundraiser right across the country.”
Message books for Mylo will be available in Robertson Homes show homes across East Kilbride, East Lothian, West Lothian, Renfrewshire and Inverness.
Mylo’s fundraiser is being organised by Sullivan’s Heroes charity. Sullivan’s Heroes offers support and financial assistance for families raising essential funds for vital home adaptations for a disabled child, to continue to care for their child at home, safely and with dignity.
For more information and to leave a donation, visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Mylos-Bedroom