15 Mar 2018
For the past year or so, Robertson Homes has been popping up all over the place, doing 'stuff' which benefits people. Sometimes only by creating a reason to smile.
From commissioning a vintage French street food van to visit school gates and supermarket car parks to give away seasonal goodies, to sponsoring Scout events; local quiz nights and auctioning off showhome furniture to boost a donation to charity.
We’re not unusual in doing such things – its official title is CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility, and it’s mentioned in the values of most big businesses. But that doesn’t belittle the positive outcomes that can be achieved. Nor should it be met with cynicism by anyone too quick to say, 'They’re just trying to curry favour.' Because yes, of course we are.
Unashamedly, we’re trying to give a little back and be recognised as responsible, caring neighbours, keen to be thought well of.
Sharon Spinelli, Sales Director for Robertson Homes says,
It’s not just the recipients who benefit from community support. It gives Robertson Homes’ staff something to smile about too.
“Doing something a little bit different and being able to hand over a cheque, or just have fun with primary school kids at a health and safety demonstration, is not only a break in the normal working week, it makes everyone feel better and more connected.
“We saw it particularly in the recent bad weather when neighbours and even total strangers turned out to help each other, with stories of true, unsung heroes making the evening news. Sure, companies welcome local recognition for being supportive but it also helps to make the world a little nicer.”
Corporal Neil Toner from RAF Lossiemouth was one such case recently. Neil had volunteered to run the Inverness half marathon in aid of Charlie House in Aberdeen, which supports children with disabilities.
It would have been easy to write a cheque to Neil as a corporate donation but a bright idea by one of our sales managers meant we were able to do a lot better, and have a bit of a party at the same time.
As one of our showhomes had been sold, some of the furniture and unusual fittings were surplus to requirements. So we turned to social media and invited people to come down and make a bid through a 'silent auction' which went on all weekend.
Dozens of local people turned up to support and we were able to donate just under £2,000 to Neil’s cause. That money will also benefit children we will probably never have the pleasure of meeting but the party atmosphere in our Elgin showhome that weekend was another end in itself and we made several new friends.
So come on businesses out there, large and small. What can you do to make the world a better place?
You and your staff will benefit too, we promise.
Let’s get more momentum behind delivering Random Acts of Kindness.